Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nalini Natarajan, Wednesday, Apr 4, 2 - 3:30, Duques 250: "Tamil Women of the Transvaal"

On Wednesday, April 4, 2 – 3:30, Duques 250

Nalini Natarajan will speak on

“Tamil Women of the Transvaal”

The paper contextualizes the mobilization of the Tamil women of the TRANSVAAL by Gandhi in relation to the history of women's indenture and that of the 'Madrasi' 'coolie.' It discusses the 'problem' of the coolie woman worldwide, the specificity of South African 'coolie' women, and the role Gandhi played 

Nalini Natarajan, is Professor of English at University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, author most recently of The Resonating Island: The Caribbean in Postcolonial Dialogue (Terranova), and the forthcoming Atlantic Gandhi (Sage).

This is open and free to the public.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Nalini Natarajan, Wednesday, Apr 4, 2 - 3:30: "Tamil Women in the Transvaal"

On Wednesday, April 4, 2 – 3:30, Duques 250 (22nd St, between G and H Sts)

Nalini Natarajan will speak on 

“Tamil Women in the Transvaal”

Nalini Natarajan, is Professor of English at University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, author most recently of The Resonating Island: The Caribbean in Postcolonial Dialogue (Terranova), and the forthcoming Atlantic Gandhi (Sage).